Compared with ordinary computers, industrial panel PC are both computers, but there are large differences in the internal components used, application fields, service life, and prices. Relatively speaking, panel PC have higher requirements for internal components. Longer life and more expensive. Under normal circumstances, panel PC and ordinary computers cannot replace each other. It is good for short-term use, but long-term use will affect the user experience and industrial production. Let's take a look at the difference between panel PC and ordinary computers.

What are the differences between industrial panel PC and ordinary computers
Industrial PC touch panel is a commonly used industrial panel PC in the industrial field, also known as a touch panel PC. It is also a type of computer, but it is very different from the ordinary computers we use

The main differences between panel PC and ordinary computers are:

1. Different internal components
Due to the complex environment, industrial panel PC have higher requirements on internal components, such as stability, anti-interference, waterproof, shock-proof and other functions; ordinary computers are mostly used in home environments.
In the environment, the pursuit of timeliness, the market positioning as the standard, the internal components only need to meet the general requirements, and the stability is definitely not as good as that of industrial panel PC.
2. Different application fields
industrial panel PC are mostly used in the field of industrial production, and the use environment is relatively harsh.
While ordinary computers are mostly used for games and entertainment, they are used in business environments, and there are no special requirements for three defenses.

3. Different service life
The service life of industrial panel PC is very long, generally up to 5-10 years, and in order to ensure the normal production of the industry, it can usually work 24*365 continuously; the life of ordinary computers is generally about 3-5 years, and cannot last for a long time. work, and considering the replacement of hardware, some will be replaced every 1-2 years.
4. the price is different
Compared with ordinary computers, industrial panel PC with the same level of accessories are more expensive. After all, the components used are more demanding, and the cost is naturally lower.
More expensive.

Post time: Aug-05-2022